Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Things Which Untold Named "Forever"

I admit it, I do care about thy
Thy are so funny
Thy gave half world to me
Thy teach me how to be a good and careful
We used to be two
Laugh, joy, happiness everything
But, suddenly
Never thought that I cant feel thy so soon
Thy let me down so deep alone
Run away avoid thy so hard
With all of this pain and emptiness
Never been known when I come back again

Senin, 19 Desember 2011


Something ordinary at the first
Begun with little things every single day
Then I do believe that I am comfort with you
Sky will always blue like that and so do we
Air will always blow our body and like our condition supposed to be
I dont know exactly what Im feeling now
But one thing that I know from the first time
I am glad to have you :)

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011


Yeeiiy alhamdulillaaah aku udah jadi mahasiswi resmi Universitas Indonesia terhitung tanggal 1 juni 2011 fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam departemen Biologi :D
gga kebayang rasanya bisa berada di kampus rakyat, kampus perjuangan, kampus terbaik di seluruh negeri *katanyaa

Sekarang Kamaba *kegiatan awal mahasiswa baru sedang berlangsung dan memang siiih hampir berakhir hehe tapi melelahkan sekali untuk tarafku. Sebagai anak jakarta yang cukup punya pengalaman dalam hal ospek-ospekan aku sudah tidak kaget lagi dan bahkan sudah biasa. *tapi kadang agak eneg juga sih hehehe

Aku masuk melalui jalur SNMPTN undangan melalui nilai raport saja :)
gga nyangka dan terkejut melihat hasil pengumuman itu -masih gga percaya
aku bukan anak yang super pintar, aku bukan diberi keistimewaan dengan akselerasi belajar, aku juga bukan anak yang suka ikut OSN (olimpiade sains nasional) dan juga bukan anak yang mendapat rank di kelas tapi sampai detik ini aku mahasiswi UI :D
Allah sudah baik banget sama aku nunjukan jalanNya dari yang gga disangkasangka padahal kan tadinya aku mau jadi bidan

pengabdian pada masyarakat dan orang banyak aku mulai dari bercitacita menjadi bidan. namun aku telah mengambil keputusan untuk berkuliah saja dan mungkin memang ini jalannya, ini jalanku dan ini takdirku walau berat tetapi aku harus menjalaninya :)

"be something or be nothing"

Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011


Starring at sky, feel the wind goes by.
Then a dark come secretly, end my day fluently.
I become scare, no lights on.

But then i know what im suppose to wish upon, among this emptiness.
Stars, million thousands make a great river on an ocean universe.
I think, it sewed by the hand of God!
So perfectly and stunning.
So, so bright till i dazzled stuck.
I am lonely that night. But the stars keep me stare them wise.
They cheers me up. I pretend to be happy then.
But once, empty come along again.
This emptiness become bigger, bigger and bigger till cover my whole tiny heart.
No soul i can to talk with.
Like a thunder, you come to me.
At first sight, i just trust you are a good one.
And, you present your short name.
Slowly, this emptiness getting subside.
Until once, you told you wont be here anymore. Not even shadow, i cant have none of you.
Overseas you will go. Its Over i say so.
Beneath the stars, again i become alone.
I tell them, when i can have "the one" who have gone?
They say no words, but thousands of stars are make the great river never seen before.
Is this an ever lasting feeling? No one know.


Stay there, its green.
Turn a circle that two marbels, then it full.
it watches the moves, eat the fliers around.
But, they can't see it properly.
It's colour perfectly hidden by it's unforgiven sins.