Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Violin Man

I heard from distance
Strings grumble and melody made
So peace then it filled me
I like for the songs he played
For the time you sacrificed
For the prayed every night
I wish you healthy and worthy some day
Keep the melody flows in the air!

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012


Your eyes could possibly make you deeply sad
When you accidentally seen something bad
You are about to run away then
Push the thing till you lost but you know exactly that is hard
You mad at yourself, so you gonna be freak out
Rumpled thought that pain you so
Even big laugh can not save you sudden
Worst punch hug impossible to cure you
You are on your deepest sorrow world
No one can reach you out!

Senin, 16 Januari 2012


People walked near and around me
But I still stranger on me and them
They do not know me so do I
Just gave me some quick stares then off
It was not their fault, was none
Hear is rare thing, listen is extinct
Talk is common, speak is exist
I try to figure out them through me
Basically, we are just the same
But unfortunately I can't do that
Knowing you is hard as same as knowing me
Communication is just a label, just a way
Understand is more powerful right way
The circle of life maybe come on hundreds
People are come and gone like winds
How's life knowing you then?
Well, let's die first!

Minggu, 15 Januari 2012


I heard a lot of sounds since my first born
Then saw anything that beautiful until even worst
Thankful to God, I am complete me
I am growing up with those ability
But sometimes I lost in crowd
Too much things to learn and see than I sick
Sound of silent is more beautiful than talking
Beside crack in my heart a lot times
Makes have to cure me immediately
I often pretend to the world that I am okay
Truth, I am not at all
People often bad to me and I good alone
Standing middle storm then lost again
Foes glad at me so I let them gone
I wish that I live in different place and time
When foes and friends are not met each other

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

What Ours

Part 4

   Seniors said that we have to come to campus about 7 o'clock in the morning for the top event of all. We had to bring food, water, slayer and little bravery maybe because we had to walk around forest near my college and gather again when noon. Afraid? Ya! but also curious too. Okay, this is it. The big day came! Hem sigh deeply and yap move on! We made a group of 7 which consist of 10 people and walk in different way so we couldnt meet each other in posts. I had 2 boys in my group and 8 girls inside. Large number isnt it? It is enough to make a small parade. Okay, back to the topic, at the first we walked happily and complete but you know? The struggle is about to begin after that.